Money joint

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Studiotraffic is not a scam

Studiotraffic doesn't seem like a scam and I must say that it is not a scam. I've been seeing this program surviving for last 3 years & still marches on ! What makes Studiotraffic stand apart ?

1) It doesn't make it mandatory to get referrals as the success of the program doesn't depend on how many (or even zero) people you get. It's just based on how much you reinvest & want to see grow (if you are just planning to see the initial free $10 grow). I say reinvest, because u anyway get initial $10 & then u surf minimum sites & then earn based on your current principal. You can keep compounding (adding up earnings to Principal) & thus reinvest.

2) It doesn't depend on member's money to pay people. It stands rock solid due to support from its other programs - like studiobloger, studioholidays, studioshopper, studiozine, studiohug etc.

3) I will write more later. For now, due to these factors, it easily earns trust from members :-).

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